The Unreal Must Now Be Sacrificed!

At the core of every mythological system is a sacrificial act. This offering is the price of renewal. Since history recapitulates mythology, we have now arrived at the climactic moment in which our own core is to be revealed. Either we make the total conscious sacrifice required, or Death engulfs the world. The good news is that only the unreal must be sacrificed in order to attain the immortal Real.

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Here’s a “Get Out of Jail” Card for your Soul

In this explanation of the importance of the upcoming retreat on The Secret of Instant Illumination, the impending collision between world events and the ego’s fundamental paranoid anxiety is elaborated. A time will come when all who have been in denial of the truth will be desperate to get out of unbearable suffering brought on by their own closed hearts and inadequate intelligence. The limited consciousness of the ego can only be overcome if the soul awakens and receives the grace of illumination that brings reunion with the God-Self.

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The Technique of Detachment from Technique

An ancient sutra called the Netra Tantra teaches a different form of ashtanga (eight-limbed) yoga. Unlike Patanjali’s version, this Shaivite yoga describes how to live in nonduality. It is essential to master the arts of letting go, of accepting, and of seeing the unreality of ego (including one’s own) and the dreamlike nature of the entire world. Most of all, the closed heart must open.

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The Consequences of Complementarity

The cosmos arises from an energy field created by complementary charges, which fractally results in every form of binary. One and Zero, Being and Nothing, are dialectically related, meaning they are convertible terms. All apparent polarities are moving pendularities, meaning everything morphs eventually into its opposite. Enjoyment becomes suffering, the actors become the audience, the end is the beginning. The sacred mountain attracts sages, the sages make the mountain sacred. Dependent origination is also independent self-causation and non-arising waves of information. Systole follows diastole. The heart opens and again closes. The Real is hidden and then revealed. The way to go is just to flow.

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Creation Did Not Arise from Nothing

The world did not appear out of nowhere, but arises within the Mind of God. Because the nature of Absolute Consciousness is freedom, joy, creativity, and limitless power, the world process cannot be grasped by a finite mind. But since every limited consciousness is only separated from the Infinite Self by a thin veil of willful ignorance, it takes only a simple shift of attitude to become reabsorbed into the blissful light of Liberation.

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How Do You Prefer to Suffer? Physically or Mentally?

One of the main issues of life nowadays is coping with pain. The true nature of pain still escapes the understanding of the allopathic medical establishment, despite the advances in neuroscience, as the psychic and spiritual sources of suffering are not explored. Even the depth psychologists who recognize the psychosomatic origins of many kinds of pain do not grasp the full karmic and teleological dimensions of the phenomenon. But all ministers of religions know that suffering can motivate not only despair but also maturation, acceptance, repentance, conversion, and ultimate surrender to the grace of God.

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The Seven Levels of Love

As we grow psychologically and spiritually, our understanding and appreciation of love evolve into more altruistic modes of expression and unconditional inclusion, until infinite love is attained. This is the glory of divinization and the completion of our pilgrimage through many lives to the real essence of who we are.

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A Great Drama Needs Conflict and Suspense!

The structure of time serves the needs of the great unfolding drama of history, dialectically surging toward its redemptive Eschaton. Dyads produce unstable triads. Truth and Beauty both disrupt the closed systems that congeal into social patterns that become rigid and obsolete. Our culture heroes manifest novelty and creativity that shift our values and perspectives into ever new paradigms of possibility. The first step always requires letting go and returning to freedom.

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One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


Meditative meetings in which the highest teachings are shared. Shunyamurti also offers guidance during questions and answers to resolve the most difficult and delicate matters of the heart.

The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

The Real is also a term used in Lacanian psychoanalysis. What Lacan means by the Real is that aspect of phenomenal appearance which is overwhelming, traumatic, or impossible. We would call that Real One. It is a relative Real, not Absolute. We add that there is a Real Two, which consists of divine love. Love is not an appearance, but it changes appearance, through recognition of its Source, into a divine manifestation, a projection of God’s sublimely beautiful Mind as infinite fractal holographic cosmos. Real Three is the unchanging Absolute, beyond all conception or image.

Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.