Suspend Your Rejection of the Real

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In the last few centuries of human time, God became unappreciated. He was even declared dead. And the love of God, the belief in God, the faith in all that God signifies—goodness, purity, light, love, joy, generosity of spirit—all of that died along with the death of belief. God was unaffected. But once humanism replaced the love of God, the human minus God became inhuman; and we are now suffering the effects of the humans’ inhumanity to each other, to humanity itself. And that species is in the process of self-destruction, self-extinction because the death of God is the death of the human. Yet that death is a blessing, because it is now the death of the inhuman—the demonic—and the return of God.

Now you see the species human—or, as it used to be called before all of the gender antagonisms, man—man, which was not to be understood in a gendered way, didn’t refer to the male but referred to the meaning of that word, which was a direct translation from the Sanskrit of manas, meaning “mind”. So the function in the ecology of creation is for the human to be the emissary of the mind of God in the world and thus to be the steward of creation. But instead, in the inhuman period, humans have become the destroyers, the ravishers, the ravagers of nature, of the world, and of one another. And we have seen a process, if we analyze history, of serial genocides; and there is hardly a nation that isn’t built upon the murder of a previous culture. So there is no one who is innocent and able to cast the first stone at the current genocides.

But what we have committed is far worse, which is a deicide. We have destroyed the God within us. We have alienated ourselves from our own Source of not just goodness but even the capacity for reason, the famous Logos signified by Christ-consciousness—the capacity to manage the world in a coherent fashion so that all could flourish and life could thrive. Even the ability to manage one’s individual life in a well-regulated way has been lost. And so, with the loss of intelligence, the loss of love, the loss of faith, the loss of our reality, we have fallen into ever darker fictions until we have completely lost touch with truth and even doubt that there is such a thing. It’s this extreme nihilism that is bringing us to the darkest hour of the nightmare that history has become.

But if we understand this from a higher perspective of nonduality, then it becomes clear that for God, the Godself, to know Itself, it had to become the opposite of Itself. God had to leave God-consciousness and fall. The death of God is, in a sense, true—that God had to die into the inhuman in order to recognize and appreciate the need for God, our absolute incapacity to function if we are not in union with God. And it is that total lack of ability to exist, to survive, to function, to sustain a loving relationship, to live a life of dignity—all of that has been lost, along with our creativity and the complete exhaustion and degradation of culture.

So we have created a world that has been poisoned and is no longer worth living in and no longer a blessing to bring children into, but a curse. But it is this situation in which the Godself now must awaken from its sleep, its trance of exploration of human experience as a part of itself rather than the whole. And that part is simply the fictional narratives that support the ego’s demonic false identity that, because of its total lack of essence, must struggle for power, domination, destruction of the other, before one suffers one’s own destruction through the realization that the ego never had a real existence at all. The denial of that has been the framework of the social order, existentialism. But existence without essence is not even existence any longer; it cannot sustain itself.

As we have fallen further and further into incoherence, we have reached a point where there is no choice if we want to be free of the hell realm of the mind in the way that it has fallen into its own distorted and degraded and misshapen identity, no choice but to take refuge again with God, no choice but to realize again, humbly, that God is all that is real and God is not other and not somewhere up in some heaven or beyond—having absconded from this ruin of creation—but abiding within and always emanating grace, always emanating love.

At some moment the ego, in its desperation, will suspend its rejection of grace. This is what brings self-forgiveness. And when one opens to receive that grace, one’s heart will be fulfilled and one’s mind will again become ordered by the vibrational frequency of the presence of the Godself, so that one shall be able to think clearly and to realize that one is, in fact, a manifestation of that infinite, luminous intelligence of the One Self who animates all of creation. You are the whole, not merely a part, and have never been anything but that. And this entire play can end only with the self-awakening of God and the return to that eternal Essence that is beyond the illusory dream field we call the universe.

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One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


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The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

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Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.