My Transformational Journey at the Sat Yoga Ashram
Shakti Saturation Month, February 2024
By Judy D.
I arrived at the Ashram on a Tuesday afternoon and was greeted by Amrita and taken to my Bhavan to unpack. Over the course of the next few weeks, we were immersed in Ashram life with delicious vegetarian meals and daily early morning, midday, and evening meditations.
The yogis who live at the Ashram provided classes and tours of the Ashram grounds with such loving attention that I really felt they enjoyed the activities as much as we did. About midway through my months stay, my ego took me on a wild ride for several days.
I projected my fears onto the teachers and could not seem to see that it was me, not them. The art expression classes were very useful. I did as was instructed, and went into this creative experience with an open mind and asked my soul what it wanted to say. Then I put the images that appeared in my mind on paper and continued to work with them through the entire allotted time.
I learned a lot from these experiences about both my ego and my soul’s yearnings. The second picture showed a dark energy surrounding me, which I was feeling. I knew part of it was my ego, but really thought there was more, some sort of external dark energy.
At this point, I had a session with Radha Ma and told her everything I was feeling and thinking. I knew it was important to be honest and direct in my Atmanology sessions to understand what was going on. I also had clarifying emails with Shunya.
This allowed me to see that everything I was feeling were my own projections of the fear and insecurity in my ego. Once I was able to see this and own all my projections, the dark energy cleared, and I could see that all of it was my ego run amok. The good news is that because I was willing to be honest and direct and talk about everything that was going through my mind, no matter how ridiculous it seemed, I was able to get to my core wounding from my particular birth trauma.
This did not immediately heal the wound, but it did shed light on it, and the healing has deepened. I could see how I had looked at the world my whole life through a context that was not real. I am starting to see the world through a completely different lens. I am so grateful to Sat Yoga and Shunyamurti for this opportunity for growth. I do not see how I could have gotten this clarity without this month of intense work.
Learn More About our Shakti Saturation Month Program