Spiritual Preparation for the Chaos to Come
In this extraordinary new teaching taken from the opening class of our most recent online retreat, Shunyamurti explains that in order to spiritually prepare for this time of social collapse, which is actually a time of liberation, one must jettison the ego-mind for the Mind of God.
Although we have titled the retreat, if I can read the small print: Spiritual Preparation for Social Collapse, with the subtitle that’s been slightly modified: Harnessing and Being Harnessed by the Power of Consciousness to Manifest a New World—it’s important that we recognize that to whatever extent we identify with an ego separate from God, we must be harnessed. In fact, one of the words for yoga, the yoke, like the oxen is being yoked to the cart—we are being yoked and harnessed to God´s will, so that we can serve God in this time of liberation that we are passing through, and that is passing through us and transforming us, all of us.
But I would rather not characterize the situation that we are in as one of social collapse, because it only seems that way to the superficial eye. It is a time of liberation from an oppressive system, in fact from an oppressive nested set of systems, not simply governmental systems and social systems that have become obsolete or oppressive or that do not allow us to express our whole being, but the family systems, and the corporate systems, and the internalized systems of the ego-consciousness. So we are being freed at this time from all of them, because they cannot sustain themselves any longer, having fallen as far as they have into fragmentation, the center cannot hold, not the center that has been holding in Kali Yuga, and the new center must arise that has the power to hold all together in oneness. And it’s that center that we represent, that center of centers, that Axis mundi, that power that alone can manage and sustain a world, which we can consider and use such a word to describe that being as God.
But I know that not everyone here has a good experience with the term “God”, and so I want everyone to know that there are many equivalents to that word that we will also sometimes be using—whether it’s “Brahman”, or the “Buddha Nature”, or the “Dao”, or it’s any of the “99 Names of Allah”, or it’s any of the epithets of God, or the incarnations, or mythological representations of God, whether Christ, or Krishna, or Rama, or any of the Goddesses or any of the figures of the various creeds of the world that tend to represent God either as a father, or a mother, or a neutral field of consciousness, or that which is beyond all possible description and conception—and all of them are useful and partially accurate, but we need to understand and accept all of those infinite inflections of the Supreme Consciousness, if we are to really understand how to proceed on this journey and to make use of the blessings that this time is bringing us, many of which are hidden, and disguised as catastrophes.
And so, we must see with a third eye, and we must learn to listen with the third ear, to the words and the inspirations that will come from that infinite Source of our Being which is also our own center, if we pay full attention…
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