Blog by Nirgun
By Bhavani
As leader of the Outflow team, it is a joy to receive many invitations from all over the world for interviews with Shunyamurti. But the most unexpected gem of the year was an invitation from Juliana and Mark of Boho Beautiful Yoga. These two masterful hatha yogis with an immensely popular YouTube channel are branching out on a new and perilous podcast project they are calling Stars & Destruct.
Art from the Soul is about a process of Transcendence, a way to express deep inner changes felt beyond words. Over the years, I have been witness and installer to this impulse to create a wide variety of artistic expressions as a way to give a Sacred form and offer healing to the wounded inner child within, and to free the Divine Magic of the Holy True Self, a realization that all honor and recognition goes to the Great Artist Being that dwells within, the source of any and all healings, creative functions, lessons and blessings.
Precious and loyal, the persistent Soul seeks destruction of a terrible amnesia. Longing to remember itself, it pushes on, loosening itself out of compression until finally free…
All art belongs to God. The soul obeys by taking up the brush; the paint is decided by an inner voice; then there is just standing and waiting: the blank canvas speaks when the inspiration is ready to create.
The art that is born breaks all barriers and boundaries. It is totally unique and unrepeatable every time! This causes a kind of shock wave, like a lightning bolt of awareness to the artist; staggering and struck with awe, reverence is unleashed.
Only the Divine Master can take the raw sewage of karma and trauma and turn it into something of beauty, mystery, connection and truth.
Painting is a practice that brings me into full focus and presence. I am grateful for this rich and freeing opportunity to be a channel for such Grace. Nothing is more thrilling than this time with my Beloved. It is a time of deep Adoration.