Update from Sat Yoga Ashram, May 2022
Beloved Friend of Sat Yoga,
Greetings from Arunachala! We hope you are in peace and filled with God’s grace.
The ashram is open to receiving applications from those who wish to join us onsite in one of three ways: The first is as a long-term Sevadhari; the second is as a candidate for permanent residential membership in the Ashram; and the third is a month-long ashram intensive, the Shakti Saturation Month.
Those who wish to join the Sevadhari program should know that this consists of an intensive immersion in spiritual inner work as well as physical service to the community. It is for serious seekers of Self-realization willing to commit to at least six months of transformative living in our Ashram energy field. You would attend the wisdom school classes, engage in individual sessions of Self-enquiry, and participate in beautiful community projects. Please visit the Sevadhari program page to learn more and begin the application process.
Those who wish to be considered for permanent membership in the Ashram also start out as Sevadharis, but because of the state of world conditions, we would expedite the process of candidacy for those who are on fire with yearning for Liberation, who love the teachings and the lifestyle of the Ashram, and who would joyously take yogic vows and build a home here. If you have the resources to do that, and your heart calls you here, please apply soon, while the window of opportunity is still open.
The Shakti Saturation Month is a month-long inner journey that consists of an initial period of sacred solitude and silence; an advanced seminar or retreat guided by Shunyamurti; followed by joyful immersion in ashram community life. If you wish to participate in this transformational intensive, please visit the program page to learn more and begin your application.
We will continue to broadcast Shunyamurti Retreats and Seminars, Immersion Programs, and Zoom gatherings online, as well as offer individual online sessions for those interested in healing and inner work. Our virtual offerings now include online courses and new publication channels in addition to all that is already available in The Dharma Bandhara, our online store, and we are also working to grow our library of content and offerings to our global community.
Our Members Section will keep you continually updated with the latest transmissions of empowering wisdom and divine love from Shunyamurti to help you navigate these tumultuous times with coherent intelligence and serenity. We also encourage you to sign up below for our newsletter so you can always receive the most up-to date information from the ashram and our weekly teachings.
On behalf of Shunyamurti and the Sat Yoga Sangha, we send you many blessings.
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