Did Putin Just Buy Us a Reprieve from Nuclear Holocaust?


Shunyamurti played There is a Mountain by Donovan at the start of the satsang. 

The famous Zen dialectic that describes the path to liberation can also be applied in the analysis of current events. The  thesis of ego identity, then the negation of the ego as fictional, and finally the negation of the negation in the inconceivable great I Am is compared at the macrocosmic level to the notion of a stable Russia, the negation of that notion in the form of an imminent coup d’etat, and the summary negation of the coup revealing an even more imposing and uncanny strength. This event demonstrates the alchemical principle of ‘as above, so below’.
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. I just want to say Thank You 🙏

  2. I am a South African pensioner and have been listening to the great teacher for sometime and I am learning so much I’m feeling some movement in my thinking. Please sign me up for the free trial membership. I am grateful for the opportunity.

    1. Dear Joseph,
      Please email Purusha for help signing up. He is our Members Section coordinator and will be happy to assist you.
      [email protected]
      Blessings and we look forward to having you with us!

  3. Brilliant analysis!! Thank you for your discussion on the dialectic and using current reality as an example.

  4. I am a bit disturbed by the implication (if I interpret correctly) that Sandy Hook was some kind of ruse. To so casually imply this in a satsang seems careless and harmful. Also, even as someone who follows the news each day, I was completely lost during the explanation of the recent events in Russia. This is very serious to me and although I love Shunyamurti’s teachings on spirituality, and admire him greatly, I would consider completely abandoning any interest in Sat Yoga unless some further clarification and explanation is given. May I request that this matter be cleared up?


    1. Shunyamurti’s reply: As you no doubt know, we the people have lost our formerly inalienable right to free speech. There are many topics that can no longer be discussed publicly without one being canceled, de-platformed, or worse, sued into bankruptcy. The topic you mentioned is one of those forbidden to be debated, as Alex Jones famously discovered to his chagrin, and before him, the renowned philosopher of science Dr. James Fetzer. In particular, the work of Fetzer was coherent, rigorously argued, based on ample evidence, and highly persuasive to many objective analysts. Nonetheless, his reputation was smeared and he was ruined financially. This has happened to many investigators who have delved too deeply into many topics, including that of medical processes, pharmaceuticals, the physiological and psychological effects of masking, and too long a list of others to name. The truth has not yet come into public recognition even about events that happened decades earlier, from the murder of JFK to the Gulf of Tonkin to 911, up to the ongoing sequelae of the mass injections, not to mention other offenses of political corruption and treason. Therefore, those with divergent views on such topics have no choice but to settle for making tangential allusions to such black holes in our informational universe in order to keep such issues alive and to encourage others to do their own due diligence in exploring the work of those who have paid the price for their courageous efforts to uncover prohibited truths. I am not saying that I am a believer in the entire thesis of Fetzer, but only that he has made a prima facie case that something is fishy, and that the case deserves further investigation.

      We all have the obligation to stay as informed about important issues as possible by consulting alternative sources of information pursued by dissident intellectuals and to learn to think critically and objectively about them. But in this time of oppression of free thinking, alas, much has to be transmitted between the lines and coded in ways that bypass the heavy hand of censorship. Moreover, we must be willing to tolerate a wide spectrum of views and apply our own mature empirical assessments based on abductive as well as inductive reasoning. If you have done your own thorough investigation of the topic you brought up, and you have come to a different conclusion, then you are entitled to disagree. But if not, you should be thankful that someone has flagged the issue as still being validly open to minority conclusions and worthy of examination. If we do not keep the embers of free thought alive to pass on to future generations, then you can be sure there will not be any. If God decides to end this world because of the atrophy of the human spirit of freedom, then so be it. But I do not want to be an accomplice to that demise of the priceless life of the mind. If you abandon your interest in Sat Yoga over this, that is your right. I will continue speaking forthrightly and expressing outside-the-box views to those who have an appetite to encounter novel perspectives on reality that always aim to break through the veils of ordinary delusion into the taboo realms of both relative and absolute Truth.



  5. Brilliant analysis!

  6. Shunyamurti, you are a hero. How do you juggle running non-stop sessions of wisdom teachings while also keeping up with current events and giving it all enough thought to provide such a detailed analysis?

  7. Thanks for this satsang and for such a clear explanation of current events!

  8. Love your reply Shunya and I would not follow/practice Sat Yoga as fervently as I do if you did not know of the hidden agendas and lies of the ill-ites ( as I call them, lol. ) that has made every pillar of society an abomination to God and the human race… Waking up to the facts 10+ yrs ago led me to discover that I’ve been duped, propagandized,indoctrinated and crate trained since birth; and a unbeknownst willing participant in the ill that has been done…
    It was hard to accept that an anti God/Human agenda has been going on for 100s of yrs and more before I was born and it more than ever changed/charged my spiritual life to one of wholehearted devotion to our/my Good Friend ( OM Friend for short, lol ) and the Family Angelic… I.e. God and the body of God, total consciousness in all forms…
    As St George Carlin stated ” History is not happenstance it’s conspiritorial….carefully planned and executed by those in power… Didn’t dawn on me how true a statement that was an is. It also led my into a deep dive in research and rabbit holes to discover the extent of the lies perpetrated and scripted…and it turned out that most everything I ever thought I knew was a lie….like evolution, history, Government, NASA, science,food,medicine,religion and…on and on. So… one taboo subject I would love for you to address would be the shape of our flat water, shaped earth and ice wall plane of existence…the biggest lie perpetrated and once investigated shows a globe world with curved water preposterous… Also is there just the one firmament or 7. A good source of proofs and information on this subject can be found on Eric Dubay’s YouTube and his other channels… This fact can’t help but change ones views on it all and a new appreciation for our creator and this Matrix, Stage play, movie DVD or whatever this dream/memory of OM Beloved truly is, lol. Also supporting it brings in the Beatitude, Blessed are they which are Persecuted for Righteousness….as just being on God’s side now has shown me… 😃
    Truly appreciate the work you do and love the knowledge I’ve received from the countless videos I’ve taken within. Hope to one day before the end of days, lol… to visit your beautiful Ashram…it also would be a pleasure to consider a more permanent move too to…
    Thank You
    God Bliss and Bless
    In Spirituality
    Joseph E R
    P.S. A reply from ya would gratefully be appreciated… if even only by email ❤

  9. Thank you for the thorough and thoughtful reply. I truly appreciate it and am actually a bit flattered that you would respond to my question directly. I agree in principle with most of everything you have said here as far as I can tell. I have nowhere near the intellect that you possess and find the experience of encountering your mind through video and audio recordings a captivating and enriching experience. However, when your talks veer toward the subject of politics and the impending doomsday scenario outcome for humanity that you continue to allude to without, in my view, much of any supporting evidence, I feel my heart and mind recoil. That is very clearly an insane and illegitimate claim. Having mulled over the recent satsang I referred to, I have reflected that I do not wish to delve so far into the realm of the intellect and dissidence as is wanted here anyhow. Rather I am reminded of a teaching from the book “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” of which you are undoubtedly familiar- while discussing the concept of Right Practice Suzuki tells of the Buddha’s dissatisfaction with intellectual knowledge and philosophy. 

    “He could not find the answer in […] philosophies. He was not interested in some metaphysical existence, but in his own body and mind, here and now. […] That was his enlightenment.”
    With continued love and admiration,


    1. Dear James,
      I understand your ego’s position. And of course you are free to part ways with Sat Yoga. But do please understand the teachings before you go. In a nutshell, the teaching is that there is One Intelligence (whether you label that One God, One Buddha Mind, One Brahman, or One Self). There is no world separate from that One. You are that One. No world was ever created, none will be destroyed. Time, space, matter, and movement are all illusions within the Mind of God/Buddha/Brahman. This can be directly perceived by simply abiding as pure presence, rather than falling into intellectual conceptualization.

      So, in that sense, I agree with your quote from Suzuki Roshi. But, at the level of the illusion, for those still enmeshed in the illusion, the Zen masters also teach that we are in the final period of the world dream, when the Dharma is nearly lost, and humans have become egocentric, conflicted, and in a state of demonic destructiveness that threatens the annihilation of the world. At that moment of deepest darkness, the full revelation of the Buddha Nature, Nirvana, and the whole extraordinary Truth will become directly perceived by all souls. In the same way, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims declare that we have received all the signs of the coming Revelation, the Messianic Age, Redemption, and the disappearance of the current world followed by God’s creation of a new heavenly world. The same teaching is given by all traditions. We have arrived at the end of time, but it is the most auspicious end possible, and we are also at the brink of a new Beginning.

      You can perceive all the signs just by reading the news. You do not require an intellectual study of the matter. But since the higher Truth is that there is no world, then just enjoy your effortless Self-realization. For those who are ready for that, such is the teaching. For those who are invested in the world, then the teaching of the world’s end is useful in motivating souls to awaken now. May you be among those who require nothing more than instantaneous recognition of the eternal Self and be done with all teachings.



  10. Wonderful, intelligent analysis. Thanks much, very much.

  11. A ‘random’ thought has an emotional energy beneath that thought. Surrendering that emotional charge by feeling the energy, accepting that energy and letting it be. This removes similar thoughts from the mind. Ongoing practice of surrendering the underlying energy of every thought brings the mind to a silence. At first the Presence of the Silence is felt as it is a new experience. As time goes by the experience of the Presence becomes the normal. The Silence is always there, has always been, we just didn’t see past all those ‘random’ thoughts. Still requires a little effort to be in the Silence and the Presence. One day it will take a little effort to be with the ego. God Bless your beautiful work. Some are blessed with communication skills and some, not so much.

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One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


Meditative meetings in which the highest teachings are shared. Shunyamurti also offers guidance during questions and answers to resolve the most difficult and delicate matters of the heart.


Information, energy, or nonlinear change that occurs as the effect of events that take place in the future and alter the past, which is perceived in the present as non-ordinary phenomena, synchronicities, unpredictable emergent properties or other notable explicate arisings. The source of such forces may also lie beyond chronological time, in higher dimensions of the Real.

The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

The Real is also a term used in Lacanian psychoanalysis. What Lacan means by the Real is that aspect of phenomenal appearance which is overwhelming, traumatic, or impossible. We would call that Real One. It is a relative Real, not Absolute. We add that there is a Real Two, which consists of divine love. Love is not an appearance, but it changes appearance, through recognition of its Source, into a divine manifestation, a projection of God’s sublimely beautiful Mind as infinite fractal holographic cosmos. Real Three is the unchanging Absolute, beyond all conception or image.

Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.