The Heart Must Have a Single Yearning
If you wholeheartedly yearn for God, or Self, or Infinite Consciousness—and have no other conflicting desires—then the path is easy and effortless. Simply attune to the Source of Presence.
If you wholeheartedly yearn for God, or Self, or Infinite Consciousness—and have no other conflicting desires—then the path is easy and effortless. Simply attune to the Source of Presence.
The ego fears losing its accumulated baggage of delusions, mainly a self-image that continues living in a non-existent past—that acts as a blindfold preventing one from seeing truly the present. The question comes down to one’s willingness to see with new eyes.
Self-decapitation is the first step on the path. But chopping off the ego mind, though necessary, is not sufficient. If you stop there, you may be lost in emptiness. By adoring Para Shakti, the World Mother, the Mind underlying all appearance, you will be recapitated with a divine intelligence. Then you will be free from the phenomenal plane, recognizing it as a mirror image of your dreaming mind.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.
The power of divine love brings such joy and light that the ego mind is automatically silenced and dissolved. The wisdom of the God-Self replaces the chatter of the unreal self-image. Real Love is infinite and unconditional. The body that emanates such love is so filled with prana that the organism cannot stay contracted or in suffering.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.
The power to overcome the entropic fragmenting and psychopathic decomposition of the ego complex that may be the operating system determining your subjective experience is not in your control. Therefore, the intervention of grace by an act of the higher intelligence to whom I owe my existence is necessary. But I must activate that power of gracious redemption from my hell realm. And that will require a genuine surrender.