Integrity is the Key to Victory

Summary: Shunyamurti tackles the topics of disillusion and disinformation—and exposes the truth of what’s happening on the phenomenal plane—by speaking the Real Truth with an integrity that has been lost in the current global climate. If we want to prove our own integrity, we must be in a state of integrity with God, and choose the freedom to act in accord with what promotes health, happiness and Liberation for all!
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Thank you SHUNYAMURTI

  2. Thank you shunyamurti.. yes you are at present a link to keep me connected to what is true. From the beginning knew there was no honesty.. integrity.. spiritual values from those who appear to dominate and control the narrative. I feel even more compelled.. I do yearn to realise the absolute and true nature of my being.. i also believe courage will be needed within the coming months.. your lectures and truths are so important

  3. Love and blessings for Shunya murti and his amazing ashram.?♥️His teachings are extremely important and so full of wisdom and truth in this extremely difficult and at the same time beautiful moment in our human and planetary history!! May all souls devoted to God and TRUTH reach Samadhi easily once the non integrity and chaos reach it’s peak so that they can be of help to those who will suffer the most?♥️

    1. Divine Love and Infinite Blessings to you in return Aleksandra.

  4. Thank You ?

  5. Even though I walk through the darkest valley…

  6. Its an easy choice ✨?

  7. Words cannot express my gratitude for the sacred teachings.

  8. Shunyamurti is the Perfect Embodiment of Love, Truth, Compassion, Wisdom, Intelligence and all the other Names of God. Not to make comparisons but He makes all the philosopher’s, theologians, scholars, so-called gurus and yogis of the post-modern period and previous centuries combined, look like schoolboys. Literally. I know it’s a bold statement but it’s the Truth. Egos don’t have the intelligence to appreciate Shunyamurti and his teachings, they’re not ready for Him. It’s a great tragedy because He single handedly, offcourse along with the Sanga, is shaking the very foundations of Kali Yuga and breaking all barriers of limitation. The Absolute Power of His Aura, Brilliance, and Words Shine through Him like a gazillion suns and will literally blind the ego and everything that’s false. I was led to Bhagvan Shunyamurti only after a total surrender to Shiva. What’s even more astonishing is that He’s doing all of this effortlessly and in great Joy. The awe, love, and reverence I have for this SuperHuman cannot be put into words. Shiva’s dance and poetry is indeed impeccable haha

  9. Thank you. Extremely important information.

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  11. Tolkien’s writing comes to mind when talking about integrity. The ring of power is always a temptation for those who have access to it; almost all cave and forego their integrity, and without integrity we are lost. The people who have the most problems with maintaining integrity are people who often have something to lose when an authority starts to create rewards or punishments for complying/not complying. A little bit of the ring of power is offered so long as you comply, but compliance can mean a gradual destruction of personal integrity.

    Typically people just do what they are told because it’s easier. That’s also how an animal is broken into servitude. And this is not to advocate blind rebellion, but right action, and right action isn’t compromising your integrity wholesale when the goin’ gets tough.

    This is all neither here nor there though. Because integrity and right action are easy when your head is in the right space to begin with. The more one simply does not place themselves as central reference point to the entire universe then right action will happen without effort. Wu Wei baby, it’s born from openness, dumping the what’s in it for me mentality, and seeing clearly without an ego agenda at play.

  12. I was raised in the Catholic faith and was definitely lost and confused by their brand of unwavering dogma and blatant hypocrisy. I had, what I perceive, as a spiritual awakening about a year ago after decades of struggle and suffering- no doubt, my own doing as well as believing negative projections put upon me by family; so it’s no coincidence that I stumbled upon your YouTube channel, seeking answers. Words cannot express my appreciation for these invaluable teachings.
    I found that website he speaks of: though I don’t know Shunyamurti on a personal level, I don’t judge anyone- but I’ve resonated so much through his teachings- finally, a teacher who makes sense. I see that you all come from a place of love and benevolence.

    Thank you, Shunyamurti and everyone at the Sat Yoga Institute. I pray one day to visit.

    Namaste ?♥️?

  13. I think many seekers have a wrong conception of what spiritual practice is. If you are really seeking enlightenment, you need to become violently allergic to anything that will keep you from this goal or slow down your progress. Hence, we have the niyamas, behavior that is contrary to the niyamas, ethics, good practice, etc., will keep you from liberation. We do not know how much time we have. Shunyamurti and all other great teachers, you show us what the practice is, then we go and do it. No teacher can do the work for you, or wave a magic wand and heal you. We have to do the work.

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One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


Meditative meetings in which the highest teachings are shared. Shunyamurti also offers guidance during questions and answers to resolve the most difficult and delicate matters of the heart.

The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

The Real is also a term used in Lacanian psychoanalysis. What Lacan means by the Real is that aspect of phenomenal appearance which is overwhelming, traumatic, or impossible. We would call that Real One. It is a relative Real, not Absolute. We add that there is a Real Two, which consists of divine love. Love is not an appearance, but it changes appearance, through recognition of its Source, into a divine manifestation, a projection of God’s sublimely beautiful Mind as infinite fractal holographic cosmos. Real Three is the unchanging Absolute, beyond all conception or image.

Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.