World History Reprised
Our Heritage of Freedom
The 'Get Us Burned' Address
Introduction to The ‘Get Us Burned’ Address
Few documents in the modern era of democracy are as well-known or beloved by U.S. patriots as the prose poem Abraham Lincoln delivered at the dedication of the military cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 19, 1863. In June of that year, the bloody battle of Gettysburg had been fought. It proved to be the turning point of the War Between the States. The two sides suffered more than 45,000 casualties.
In this second installment in the series of replications of famous documents of freedom (in which the first installment was A New Declaration of Independence), Shunyamurti updates the immortal Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln. In the first installment, the Declaration of Independence was revised to affirm our determination to rise above the limitations of the ego and free our Being from the chains of fear.
Let us now apply the wisdom and resolve of Lincoln to our current situation to uphold the freedom of informed consent. We must remain true to the same eternal principles of liberty and equality today. We must leave behind our own comfort zones with the same heroic dedication expressed in this great elegy, to endow ourselves with the courage to put our own lives on the line to save the dying heritage of what is best and most noble and divine in the human spirit.
We are now facing the darkest hour in human history, that will spell the end of the human story forever, if we do not rise up in unity and spiritual strength to defend the right to life itself.
In future installments in this series, we shall reprise other great documents of freedom in world history as we march forward together under the banner of the One Supreme Intelligence and Love.
Today, we must all become Brahmins—a term referring originally to those ancient Aryans (the noble race) of the highest and wisest level of consciousness—who were linked in to the will and power of God, by presiding over and uniting all the manifold beings and states of consciousness into a single whole, a super-organismic morphogenetic field of spiritual energy capable of governing and directing the course of destiny. With fearless dedication to Supreme Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, those great souls self-organized into a collective force that created and sustained a world order for thousands of years.
Now we must unite to create a new world order, one that is not corrupt and merciless as the one now being imposed upon us by demonic forces, but a higher order, a true and loyal expression of the Will of God.
Whether we use terms from Eastern traditions, like the Great Dao or the Dharma, or speak of God’s Commandments deriving from the lineages of Abraham, we are under orders from Above to live up to our divine nature and wield the Sword of Truth in the service of holy love.
Let us act as true spiritual warriors in this predestined moment and prove our worth in the eyes of the Supreme Lord of Life—and sacrifice our fallen egocentric personalities to claim again our purity of soul and the divine right of Self-Sovereignty.
Victory is assured if we unite our hearts and minds in the vibrational frequency of the One Absolute Consciousness and abide in the blissful Godhead. Thus, we shall transform the planetary noosphere and awaken the Holy Spirit in us all.
The ‘Get Us Burned’ Address
By A Brahmin Linked In,
Presiding Over the United States of Consciousness
For the Salvation of All
Fourscore and seven years ago our predecessors were ending a long global war that brought forth a new ethic, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all humans have the inalienable right to refuse or give informed consent to any medical procedure and cannot be lawfully coerced. This has been duly inscribed as the Nuremburg Code.
Now we are engaged in a global civil war, testing whether our species so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure against censorship, disinformation, artificial intelligence, biowarfare, and arbitrary use of force. We are met on a great battlefield of that war—the internet. We have come to dedicate a portion of that information field, as a final resting place for truths that others gave their lives for, that liberty might live. Now those same truths, if uttered too loudly and effectively, may get us burned in the genocidal holocaust now underway. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should address this regardless of the danger from the demonic forces pursuing the mass murder and enslavement of us all.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow, this morpho-noetic field of consciousness in which our minds meet as a super-organismic whole. The brave beings, living and dead, who have struggled here to speak the truth despite ridicule, defamation, threats and physical attack, have consecrated it with their courage, far above any newcomer’s poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget the power of the heroic acts of all those who stand up for truth and freedom against illegitimate authority, willing to face torture and death.
It is for us, the still-living and awakened, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they, who have spoken out for uncorrupted goodness of the heart, have thus far so nobly advanced. It is for us to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us—to fulfill that commandment we have all received from our many glorious spiritual traditions.
Thus, we offer our lives in full devotion to the attainment of transcendence of the ego, to realization of the infinite, immortal Self, to be absorbed in total union with God. That is the cause for which we must all give the last full measure of devotion—may we who read this wholeheartedly resolve that Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Rama, Mahavira, Zhuangzi, Buddha, Socrates, Muhammad, and all the other prophets, saints, and lovers of God shall not have taught and died in vain—and that this human species, as manifestations of the One and Only God, the God of righteousness, compassion, and divine love—shall have a new birth of freedom—and that divine government of wise and holy people, by the wise and holy people, for all the people, shall rise again, after having perished from our sacred Earth.
Transmitted through Shunyamurti
October 27, 2021