The Recipe for Rapture:
Why the World Must Now Be Sacrificed
The history of societies reveals two important kinds of intervention that were employed to maintain harmony among the members—or at least return the group to peaceful relationships once they reached the edge of chaos. The institution of proxy sacrifice has been the most common device. In this kind of social order, once greed, competition, and deadly rivalry reached levels of contagious violence that threatened to tear apart the entire tribe or city-state, a scapegoat was found and ritually executed. This bloodshed would usually appease the general agitation and renew stability for a time. The theory of mimetic desire developed by René Girard explains this mechanism quite accurately.
But a few societies developed a much more spiritually elegant solution. This was the brilliant creation and general role-modeling of the attainment of the ideal of self-sacrifice. The first historical example of this comes from the ancient Vedic culture that flourished many thousands of years ago. In the West, this has been the aspiration of Christian sages ever since their founder was murdered for teaching exactly that. The widespread emulation of Christ was hoped to propagate a morality of nonviolence and ego sacrifice. The failure of this effort has brought the world to its current state on the edge of global self-destruction of our species.
The spiritual solution to this imminent catastrophe must be sought. Sat Yoga offers a new approach by diving to the deep root of the meaning of world sacrifice—and mapping the nuances and chokepoints of the spiritual process of divinization on the individual level.
Complete set of four class recordings available as video and audio mp3s, and four guided meditations available in mp3 format.
This complete retreat package includes:
- 4 Hours of Video and Audio Content
- 4 Powerful Guided Meditations
- 1 Morning Teaching
- 1 Midday Seminar
- 2 Evening Satsangs
- 2 Question and Answer Sessions with Shunyamurti
Table of Contents of this Retreat:
- Class 1 – Recipe for Rapture: Obey the Law of Love [1:13:27]
- Class 2 – The Paradox of Desire in a Dying World [1:07:58]
- Class 3 – The Three Languages of the Three Modes of Time [1:09:07]
- Class 4 – Behold the Fractal Cinematic Self-Portrait of God [18:30]
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