The Dao of the Final Days Book Group Satsang Collection hosted by Shunyamurti is now available for purchase. This four-satsang audio video package can be purchased on its own or as part of the Companion Collection that includes the Ebook.
A Timeless Classic Revisioned for This Historic Moment
The world’s most beloved ancient book of wisdom—the Dao De Jing—has been a source of inspiration and insight for thousands of years. But it needed to be adapted to offer relevant guidance now, to help people face the challenges of the unprecedented planetary state of emergency that is underway.
The wisdom of the Dao delivered here by Shunyamurti is true to the spirit of Laozi, yet very practical and specific, in relation to dealing with injection mandates, lockdowns, and the extreme levels of oppression and social collapse that are occurring globally. But a much bigger picture of the meaning of these events is also provided, unveiling the core of the deepest mysteries of the nature of reality, and the trajectory of our collective destiny.
Those who follow the Dao will be able to traverse this time of tribulations in a state of grace, become true sages, and earn the right to graduate from the school of life, by rising into cosmic consciousness.
*The Sat Yoga wisdom school relies on the love offerings and generous contributions of our extended community. The proceeds from this book will support the free dissemination of our teachings to seekers worldwide. We are grateful for your help in this great mission