Enroll Today and Join Radha Ma for a Seven-Week LIVE Companion Program ~ Starting Friday, May 6th!

The Inner Teachings
of our Wisdom School
Are at Last Being Revealed!

A Video Initiation
into the Path of Liberation
is Now Available!

Sat Yoga: Principles & Practice

The Secrets of the Inner Labyrinth

The Secrets of the
Inner Labyrinth

An Intensive 7-Session Online Course

An Intensive
Online Course

Shunyamurti’s revolutionary insights into the structure and dynamics of consciousness are clearly explained and illustrated in this amazing course. You will be guided step-by-step to ever higher levels of Self-realization.

Sat Yoga: Principles and Practice will answer all your questions about psycho-spiritual development. It will enable you to uncover the obstacles to raising your Kundalini energy and to abiding in deep samadhi. You will be inspired to take a quantum leap on your inner journey to the Supreme Self.

Designed to free your mind from all its false beliefs, this dramatic unveiling of the secrets of the soul will awaken you to your highest potential. Masterfully woven together by Shunyamurti and skillfully delivered by Radha Ma, this dynamic course will change your life.

A Life-Changing Journey Into the Infinite

Shunyamurti introduces our inaugural online wisdom school initiation course, an electrifying life-changing journey into the infinite consciousness that is our true nature. This encounter with the Supreme Reality—the levels below the threshold of ego awareness and the levels above— will serve as a priceless catalyst of alchemical transformation that leads you gently yet magically to complete Self-realization.

In This Course You Will


A Unique Approach
to Self-Realization

Our novel approach to empowerment and a life of joyous fulfillment regardless of world conditions has been distilled and organized into a graduated sequence of practical modules.


Powerful Skills for

If you want to develop your cognitive and emotional intelligence, increase your will power, and open your heart to more authentic and profound relationships, this course provides the tools.


Wisdom for
Spiritual Development

Everything you always wanted to know about reality—but had no one to ask—will be revealed in this life-changing series of astonishing teachings. With the help of this knowledge, you will gain the skill to complete the great work of Self-realization.


To Embark on A True
Rite of Passage

Undergo this rite of passage and receive the keys to unlock your mind, your heart, and your soul so your latent genius can fully emerge. By combining wisdom and devotion to the goal, you will attain the ultimate prize of Liberation!

In This Course You Will


A Unique Approach
to Self-Realization

Our novel approach to empowerment and a life of joyous fulfillment regardless of world conditions has been distilled and organized into a graduated sequence of practical modules.


Powerful Skills for

If you want to develop your cognitive and emotional intelligence, increase your will power, and open your heart to more authentic and profound relationships, this course provides the tools.


Wisdom for
Spiritual Development

Everything you always wanted to know about reality—but had no one to ask—will be revealed in this life-changing series of astonishing teachings. With the help of this knowledge, you will gain the skill to complete the great work of Self-realization.


To Embark on A True
Rite of Passage

Undergo this rite of passage and receive the keys to unlock your mind, your heart, and your soul so your latent genius can fully emerge. By combining wisdom and devotion to the goal, you will attain the ultimate prize of Liberation!

In This Course
You Will


A Unique Approach
to Self-Realization

Our novel approach to empowerment and a life of joyous fulfillment regardless of world conditions has been distilled and organized into a graduated sequence of practical modules.


Powerful Skills for

If you want to develop your cognitive and emotional intelligence, increase your will power, and open your heart to more authentic and profound relationships, this course provides the tools.


Wisdom for
Spiritual Development

Everything you always wanted to know about reality—but had no one to ask—will be revealed in this life-changing series of astonishing teachings. With the help of this knowledge, you will gain the skill to complete the great work of Self-realization.


To Embark on A True
Rite of Passage

Undergo this rite of passage and receive the keys to unlock your mind, your heart, and your soul so your latent genius can fully emerge. By combining wisdom and devotion to the goal, you will attain the ultimate prize of Liberation!

Wisdom Classes Live via Zoom

Every Friday from May 6th through June 17th

Sat Yoga: Principles and Practice is a pre-recorded 7-session online course. Enroll today and join Radha Ma for a seven-week companion program, live via Zoom, Fridays beginning May 6th.

These supplementary classes will offer further insights and explorations into the concepts of the course curriculum, providing an “in the classroom” setting and the opportunity for interactive Q&A sessions with Radha Ma.

This additional live component is open to everyone who is enrolled in the course before Friday, May 13th.

The live sessions will take place on Friday’s at 10.00 am Costa Rica time
on May 6, 13, 20, 27, and June 3, 10, and 17.

This Online Course Includes

  • Seven Video Classes: These in-depth presentations by Radha Ma comprise over 3.5 hours of entrancing class time!
  • Curriculum Study Aids: Each segment includes Key Concepts, a Class Overview, and the Main Objectives.
  • At-Home Assignments: Heart-opening writing exercises and mind-expanding thought experiments are offered with every module to help you assimilate the information.
  • Additional Study Materials: Each lesson is supplemented with illuminating videos and essays by Shunyamurti, all specially curated and including never-before-released wisdom teachings
  • Guided Meditations: Seven specially selected meditations guided by Shunyamurti will help you internalize the concepts and stabilize your consciousness at the highest level.
  • Comments and Questions: Radha Ma and the Sat Yoga Teaching Team will be available to answer questions and offer personalized responses and further insights online.

Your Instructors for this Course​

Radha Ma

Your Instructor for this Course​

Radha Ma began her healing work with Shunyamurti in 1996. She has since become the Ashram’s first clinical atmanologist and also heads the Gyana Department. When she is not giving sessions (online or in person) or leading a study group, she composes sacred music and enjoys singing, reading, and cooking, among other creative activities.

Radha Ma

Your Instructor for this Course​

radha ma pillar tall option 4 sq_sml (1)

Radha Ma began her healing work with Shunyamurti in 1996. She has since become the Ashram’s first clinical atmanologist and also heads the Gyana Department. When she is not giving sessions (online or in person) or leading a study group, she composes sacred music and enjoys singing, reading, and cooking, among other creative activities.


Your Instructor for this Course

Shunyamurti is the founder of the Sat Yoga Institute and Ashram. His background includes doctorates in psychology and law; advanced work in Jungian and Lacanian analysis; decades of practice as a healer; ten years as a monk; deep and extensive entheogenic shamanic practice; profound realization of non-duality; a lifetime of integrating the paths of East and West, to unravel the knots in postmodern consciousness.


Your Instructor for this Course


Shunyamurti is the founder of the Sat Yoga Institute and Ashram. His background includes doctorates in psychology and law; advanced work in Jungian and Lacanian analysis; decades of practice as a healer; ten years as a monk; deep and extensive entheogenic shamanic practice; profound realization of non-duality; a lifetime of integrating the paths of East and West, to unravel the knots in postmodern consciousness.

This Online Course Includes

This Course Includes - for Tablet and Mobile
  • Seven Video Classes: These in-depth presentations by Radha Ma comprise over 3.5 hours of entrancing class time!
  • Curriculum Study Aids: Each segment includes Key Concepts, a Class Overview, and the Main Objectives.
  • At-Home Assignments: Heart-opening writing exercises and mind-expanding thought experiments are offered with every module to help you assimilate the information.
  • Additional Study Materials: Each lesson is supplemented with illuminating videos and essays by Shunyamurti, all specially curated and including never-before-released wisdom teachings
  • Guided Meditations: Seven specially selected meditations guided by Shunyamurti will help you internalize the concepts and stabilize your consciousness at the highest level.
  • Comments and Questions: Radha Ma and the Sat Yoga Teaching Team will be available to answer questions and offer personalized responses and further insights online.

“A society without a vision will not long survive.

Only those with wisdom can download new visions and pathways to human flourishing.”​


The Way to Self-Mastery

Prepare for a profound paradigm shift! In this short video introduction, the adept Sat Yogini Radha Ma, your initiatory guide, outlines the amazing curriculum that will bring you into the core of your Being, where you will come face to face with the Self.

Seven-Class Course Curriculum

Class 1 - The Concept of the Wisdom and Mystery School

In this module, you will learn the history of ancient mystery and wisdom schools and their modern-day counterparts, gaining insight into the Seven Realms of Knowledge.

Learn about the history of mystery schools and wisdom schools and their relevance to you.

Understand the foundation of sustainable human culture—and how it has been lost.

Discover the Seven Realms of Knowledge, and how to make use of the information available in the higher realms.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Class 2 - The Structure of the Sat Yoga Wisdom School

Discover the Sat Yoga Trivium, a classic paradigm revisioned for contemporary seekers of Cosmic Consciousness.

Understand the medieval approach to higher education; first the Trivium, followed by the more advanced Quadrivium.

Discover the Sat Yoga Trivium, a classic paradigm revisioned for contemporary seekers of Cosmic Consciousness.

Access more of your inherent creative intelligence and break through into higher levels of consciousness.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, May 13th

Class 3 - The Three Loci of Mind

This class is a journey through the three levels of our Being: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

Investigate the three loci of information and intelligence: the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious lokas.

Uncover the shadow realm and understand how it resists spiritual transformation.

Learn how to use your conscious mind to purge toxic attitudes and drives and then transcend the ego.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, May 20th

Class 3 - The Three Loci of Mind

In this module, you will learn the history of ancient mystery and wisdom schools and their modern-day counterparts, gaining insight into the Seven Realms of Knowledge.

This class is a journey through the three levels of our Being: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

3.1 Video: The Three Loci of Mind

3.2 Key Concepts

3.3 Writing Prompts & Further Reflection

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, May 20th

Class 4 - The Structure of the Ego

Learn about the inner censoring mechanism that blocks your conscious mind from receiving information. Discover how subconscious fantasies covertly rule your life. Activate the superconscious.

Discover the structure of the ego and learn how subconscious fantasies covertly rule your life.

Deconstruct the censoring mechanism that limits critical thinking and keeps game-changing information from entering your mind.

Recognize the importance and feasibility of developing your supernormal potentials and accessing the superconscious.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, May 27th

Class 5 - The Seven Bodies

Understanding your seven bodies enables you to get to the root of illness. This knowledge will expand your consciousness to integrate the infinite Self.

Clarify the causes of suffering that manifest in your life—from physical disease to emotional instability to obsessive thinking.

Understand the relationship between the seven bodies so you can learn how to deal with whatever disturbances arise.

Gain greater emotional intelligence and stability to free up your will power for improved self-regulation and mastery.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, June 3rd

Class 6 - Sat Yoga's Kundalini Map

A revolutionary interpretation of the ancient wisdom regarding Kundalini energy and chakras. You will learn how to free yourself from lower levels of functioning and reach the peak of spiritual power.

Learn how to free yourself from lower levels of functioning and reach the peak of spiritual power.

Use this powerful tool for the diagnosis, treatment, and transformation of psychospiritual obstacles.

Identify where you are on the ladder of ascension and how to accelerate your climb to higher rungs.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, June 10th

Class 7 - The Ten Yogas

Grok the origin of Yoga and why it evolved ten branches—and how that knowledge can accelerate your attainment of jivan mukti, liberation in life.

Learn the history of Yoga, and the reasons behind the emergence of its ten main branches.

Grok how that knowledge can accelerate your attainment of jivan mukti, liberation in life.

Uncover the true meaning of Yoga and its importance as a spiritual path.

Additional Course Materials With Shunyamurti

Additional Live Course Session & Q&A with Radha Ma - Friday, June 17th

An Awesome Voyage to Higher Consciousness

This course condenses a lifetime’s worth of priceless wisdom into a few life-transforming hours of your time. It will empower you to drop all suffering and feelings of limitation. By applying this knowledge in meditation, you can reach the ecstatic heights of Cosmic Consciousness—and stay there!

Here are some of the questions this course will answer:

What is an ego? How does it form? Why is it dysfunctional? How can one upgrade the operating system to increase one’s creative brilliance?

How can one be free of subconscious influences? How to deconstruct the censor?

How can one transcend the ego? Is it possible to integrate all the levels of consciousness?

How to open one’s heart and live out the Hero’s Journey?

How can one develop one’s intuition?

Are we still affected by past lives? Can childhood traumas be overcome? Can will power be increased?

What is the reason for the current crisis the world is going through? What can be done?

How can one flourish even in the difficult conditions we face in this historic moment of global unravelling?

How can one overcome all fear and live in boundless joy?

An Awesome Voyage to Higher Consciousness

This course condenses a lifetime’s worth of priceless wisdom into a few life-transforming hours of your time. It will empower you to drop all suffering and feelings of limitation. By applying this knowledge in meditation, you can reach the ecstatic heights of Cosmic Consciousness—and stay there!

Here are some of the questions this course will answer:

What is an ego? How does it form? Why is it dysfunctional? How can one upgrade the operating system to increase one’s creative brilliance?

How can one be free of subconscious influences? How to deconstruct the censor?

How can one transcend the ego? Is it possible to integrate all the levels of consciousness?

How to open one’s heart and live out the Hero’s Journey?

How can one develop one’s intuition?

Are we still affected by past lives? Can childhood traumas be overcome? Can will power be increased?

What is the reason for the current crisis the world is going through? What can be done?

How can one flourish even in the difficult conditions we face in this historic moment of global unravelling?

How can one overcome all fear and live in boundless joy?

Meet Radha Ma

Your Instructor
for this Course​

radha ma pillar tall option 4 sq_sml (1)

Radha Ma began her healing work with Shunyamurti in 1996. She has since become the Ashram’s first clinical atmanologist and also heads the Gyana Department. When she is not giving sessions (online or in person) or leading a study group, she composes sacred music and enjoys singing, reading, and cooking, among other creative activities.

Meet Shunyamurti

Your Instructor
for this Course​


Shunyamurti is the founder of the Sat Yoga Institute and Ashram. His background includes doctorates in psychology and law; advanced work in Jungian and Lacanian analysis; decades of practice as a healer; ten years as a monk; deep and extensive entheogenic shamanic practice; profound realization of non-duality; a lifetime of integrating the paths of East and West, to unravel the knots in postmodern consciousness.

What Students Are Saying


“It’s been an opening of rare grace to receive the teachings.”

It’s been an opening of rare grace to receive the teachings and consciousness maps, which Shunyamurti has distilled through his decades of scholarship and Self-enquiry. All of it speaks to me clearly and has allowed me to open the door to a chamber of deeper and clearer sense. The Kundalini map and the clarity it offered into the assemblage points was of particular benefit to me and will continue to be so.

~Scott, Scotland

“The module courses provided a treasure trove of wisdom.”

The module courses with Radha Ma provided a treasure trove of wisdom. The delivery of this transformative knowledge was impeccable and done with the love of a Ma and Grace of a High Priestess. Radha Ma’s genuine care to communicate clearly, accurately and with integrity was remarkable. All the module courses offered practical and clarifying knowledge.

~Lorna, USA

“This course is presenting truth…”

This course is presenting truth very simply and eloquently. It’s healing and as another reviewer said, no nonsense. At 65 years of age, these teachings are helping me to see how little I know about the dynamics of mind and spirit. Thank you.

~Richard, UK

“I absolutely LOVED this course.”

I absolutely LOVED this course. It was such a beautiful experience–to feel my heart slowly open up, because you have created such a loving and safe contained environment–it goes beyond words. The light in me deeply appreciates it. I am in deep gratitude to everyone at the Ashram for making this possible.

~Karla, Costa Rica

“I love this deep and profound view of the Chakra system.”

I am now watching this for the third time. I love this deep and profound view of the Chakra system and the Assemblage points. This resonates so deeply and although I was never able to put it into words have felt this not only in my own being but also in that of my clients. I am so grateful for this course and the teachings. Thank you from the totality of my heart.

~Michelle, Canada

“Radha Ma and Shunyamurti are just so eloquent!”

Radha Ma and Shunyamurti, are just sooo eloquent, it is a pleasure and mesmerizing to listen to them. If I can use the I word, I have done different therapies and healing work in order to understand myself better which have been very beneficial but several years ago I came across the feeling of a ‘hole’ that I couldn’t address. I think that in this teaching I have more of an understanding of what this might be and what is going on. I look forward to learning more. Thank you!

~Christine, USA

What Students Are Saying


“Radha Ma and Shunyamurti, are Just So Eloquent, It is a Pleasure and Mesmerizing to Listen to Them.”

Radha Ma and Shunyamurti, are just sooo eloquent, it is a pleasure and mesmerizing to listen to them. If I can use the I word, I have done different therapies and healing work in order to understand myself better which have been very beneficial but several years ago I came across the feeling of a ‘hole’ that I couldn’t address. I think that in this teaching I have more of an understanding of what this might be and what is going on. I look forward to learning more. Thank you!

~Christine, USA

“I Absolutely LOVED This Course.”

I absolutely LOVED this course. It was such a beautiful experience–to feel my heart slowly open up, because you have created such a loving and safe contained environment–it goes beyond words. The light in me deeply appreciates it. I am in deep gratitude to everyone at the Ashram for making this possible.

~Karla, Costa Rica

“It’s Been an Opening of Rare Grace to Receive the Teachings and Consciousness Maps”

It’s been an opening of rare grace to receive the teachings and consciousness maps, which Shunyamurti has distilled through his decades of scholarship and Self-enquiry. All of it speaks to me clearly and has allowed me to open the door to a chamber of deeper and clearer sense. The Kundalini map and the clarity it offered into the assemblage points was of particular benefit to me and will continue to be so.

~Scott, Scotland

“The Delivery of This Transformative Knowledge Was Impeccable.”

The module courses with Radha Ma provided a treasure trove of wisdom. The delivery of this transformative knowledge was impeccable and done with the love of a Ma and Grace of a High Priestess. Radha Ma’s genuine care to communicate clearly, accurately and with integrity was remarkable. All the module courses offered practical and clarifying knowledge.

~Lorna, USA

“This Course is Presenting Truth Very Simply and Eloquently. It’s Healing…”

This course is presenting truth very simply and eloquently. It’s healing and as another reviewer said, no nonsense. At 65 years of age, these teachings are helping me to see how little I know about the dynamics of mind and spirit. Thank you.

~Richard, UK

“I Am So Grateful for this Course and the Teachings. Thank You From the Totality of My Heart.”

I am now watching this for the third time. I love this deep and profound view of the Chakra system and the Assemblage points. This resonates so deeply and although I was never able to put it into words have felt this not only in my own being but also in that of my clients. I am so grateful for this course and the teachings. Thank you from the totality of my heart.

~Michelle, Canada

Course Tuition


Lifetime Enrollment - $295

Gain unlimited, lifetime access to our dedicated course portal, including all seven module classes with Radha Ma, the course study aids and class assignments plus additional materials by Shunyamurti, including exclusive bonus videos, guided meditations and essays, and opportunities for online exchanges with Radha Ma and the Sat Yoga Teaching Team.

Live Classes Begin Friday, May 6th!

To purchase this course you will have to login or create a Sat Yoga account. If you are currently a Member, or have ever been a Member of our Members Section, or have ever purchased anything from our online store, you will already have an account. If You are already logged in when you click the “Enroll Now” button above, you will be directed to proceed to the Billing section.

Any issues or questions? Email us [email protected]

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How To Purchase ~ Video Tutorial

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By signing up to receive your free sample of Shunyamurti’s thrilling new book, Coming Full Circle: The Secret of the Singularity, you are also subscribing to our weekly newsletter, which will help keep you up to date with newly released content and our online and in-person offerings. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Sign up to Receive Your Free Sample

By signing up to receive your free sample of Shunyamurti’s thrilling new book, Coming Full Circle: The Secret of the Singularity, you are also subscribing to our weekly newsletter, which will help keep you up to date with newly released content and our online and in-person offerings. You may unsubscribe at any time.


One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


Meditative meetings in which the highest teachings are shared. Shunyamurti also offers guidance during questions and answers to resolve the most difficult and delicate matters of the heart.

The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

The Real is also a term used in Lacanian psychoanalysis. What Lacan means by the Real is that aspect of phenomenal appearance which is overwhelming, traumatic, or impossible. We would call that Real One. It is a relative Real, not Absolute. We add that there is a Real Two, which consists of divine love. Love is not an appearance, but it changes appearance, through recognition of its Source, into a divine manifestation, a projection of God’s sublimely beautiful Mind as infinite fractal holographic cosmos. Real Three is the unchanging Absolute, beyond all conception or image.

Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.