Online Retreats

Transformational Retreats Led by Shunyamurti

3, 5, and 7-Day Retreats Offered Online and Onsite

Shunyamurti-led retreats are offered onsite as the heart of the Shakti Saturation and Sevadhari Programs and online as offerings to support our global sangha.

About Our Shunyamurti-Led Retreats

Since the founding of the Sat Yoga Ashram, these retreats have been momentous and grounding tribal gatherings as well as the centerpiece of our wisdom school curriculum. For each retreat, Shunyamurti chooses a title and theme that speak to a current topic of study into which we dive more deeply.

Originally, these retreats were offered only at the ashram; but, since the lockdowns of 2020, we have been offering them as Livestream events. Now, both our local ashram community and onsite guests can join together with our global sangha and come together to have 

our hearts nourished, to receive direct guidance from Shunyamurti on the path to Self-Realization, and to raise the vibrational frequency of the morphogenic field. 

These retreats are a rare opportunity to ask Shunyamurti the most precious questions from your heart, to communicate and share with the Sat Yoga community and with online retreat participants worldwide, and to deepen your meditation practice while being immersed in the energy field that is being transmitted from the ashram.

A Path to Self-Mastery

Overcome all obstacles and live in serenity and satisfaction

Whether you attend online or you join us onsite, every retreat led by Shunyamurti is unique and filled with new and astonishing insights.

Shunyamurti integrates to traditions of the East and West and the ancient secrets of the sages with insights of modern science, depth psychology, the meaning of the cataclysmic events currently rocking our world, and an awesome grasp of human destiny. He offers teachings of such profundity that they will accelerate your psycho-spiritual growth, transform your life and enable you to break through all barriers to realize the infinite Source of Being.

These extraordinary events will free you from the false beliefs that have kept you bound to the limited mind. Your meditations will become empowered, silent, and filled with divine light and joy. Your creative intelligence will be awakened, inspired, and united with your Eternal Self. Life will become more profoundly meaningful, more fascinating, and you will have the key to be free of suffering.

A Path to Self-Mastery

Overcome all obstacles and live in serenity and satisfaction

Whether you attend online or you join us onsite, every retreat led by Shunyamurti is unique and filled with new and astonishing insights.

Shunyamurti integrates to traditions of the East and West and the ancient secrets of the sages with insights of modern science, depth psychology, the meaning of the cataclysmic events currently rocking our world, and an awesome grasp of human destiny. He offers teachings of such profundity that they will accelerate your psycho-spiritual growth, transform your life and enable you to break through all barriers to realize the infinite Source of Being.

These extraordinary events will free you from the false beliefs that have kept you bound to the limited mind. Your meditations will become empowered, silent, and filled with divine light and joy. Your creative intelligence will be awakened, inspired, and united with your Eternal Self. Life will become more profoundly meaningful, more fascinating, and you will have the key to be free of suffering.

Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching

Enjoy a Sample Retreat Class
Words can never do justice to the impact, power and life transforming energy of a Shunyamurti Retreat. For that reason, we invite you now to create a meditative and sacred space and watch this full retreat teaching. Enjoy this teaching entitled Discourse Determines Destiny taken from one of our most recent Online Weekend Intensives held in September 2023, Mastering One Concept Will Bring Complete FulfillmentAnd Freedom from All Suffering.

As preparation for joining a Shunyamurti-Led Retreat or simply delving more deeply into
Shunyamurti’s teachings, we encourage you to:

Join Us Online

Our Virtual Curriculum

The Sat Yoga Ashram and Institute continue the highest tradition of wisdom schools that have been the core of human culture for as long as there have been historic records. But to be of service in this period of cultural dissolution and the violent rupture of normality, we have retooled our unique onsite curriculum to also be available online.

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Other Ideas Archive

If you want to get the most out of a Shunyamurti Led Retreat then we highly recommend that you take the best initiation into our wisdom school and experience our seven-session online course entitled:

Sat Yoga: Principles & Practice

The Secrets of the Inner Labyrinth

Shunyamurti’s revolutionary insights into the structure and dynamics of consciousness are clearly explained and illustrated in this seven-session course. You will be guided step-by-step to ever higher levels of Self-realization.

Sat Yoga: Principles and Practice will answer all your questions about psycho-spiritual development. It will enable you to uncover the obstacles to raising your Kundalini energy and to abiding in deep samadhi. You will be inspired to take a quantum leap on your inner journey to the Supreme Self.

Whether you attend online or join us onsite, these retreats are the centerpiece of our wisdom school curriculum. They are offered onsite as the heart of the Shakti Saturation and Sevadhari Programs. These retreats are also offered online as standalone offerings to help support our Global Sangha.

Online Retreats Include

  • Access to our dedicated retreat website that is your portal to the event. It offers an At Home guide, links to all Livestreamed Classes, an Audio Player, participant Forum for asking questions and giving feedback, and more
  • 3 or more 90-minute, Livestream Satsangs with Shunyamurti that include Guided Meditations, Wisdom Teachings, and Question and Answer Sessions
  • Early Morning Meditation with the Sat Yoga Sangha Live via Zoom
  • Morning Meditation Guide for Home Practice
  • Yoga Asana and Pranayama Classes Live via Zoom
  • 1 Encounter Group with Senior Sat Yogis Live via Zoom
  • Lifetime or Limited access as well as Scholarship Opportunities available

A Dedicated Retreat Website

Your Virtual Portal to the Sat Yoga Ashram

After you sign up for one of our Shunyamurti led Retreats you will receive the link and access for the retreat portal, one to two weeks before the start of the event, that includes the following:

Welcome & Orientation

On the opening page of the retreat portal you receive a Video Orientation, retreat schedule, a more in depth overview of the portal, as well as an FAQ.

A Sat Yoga Retreat at Home

This retreat is a rare and precious opportunity for like-hearted seekers from all around the world to join together for satsang, sacred gatherings of truth, and sadhana, spiritual practice. We provide you with an At Home Retreat Guide, in an effort to encourage and invite you to cultivate the ambience of an ashram at home, to create your own spiritual refuge, a sanctuary in which to eliminate all distractions and to bring one-pointed clarity to the attainment of Self-realization. 

Livestream Satsangs

We have a page dedicated to providing direct access and links to view and join each of the livestreamed satsangs via Youtube / Rumble. This also includes access to the early morning meditations and asana and pranayama classes live via Zoom.

Audio Player

In addition to video access, we have an audio player on to which the mp3 file for every teaching given will be posted directly after class.

Additional Materials

To further support your home practice, retreat participants have access to our Additional Sadhana page, where you can partake in pranayama and asana classes, as well as listen to the meditation music playlists from the ashram.

Forum & Dedicated Support

The participant forum is a communal space for reflection and connection. Purusha, our Members Section Editor, will be online to field any questions during this retreat and to be a bridge between your online experience and the ashram here in Costa Rica. You will be able to post questions and comments to all participants and for Shunyamurti at any time during the retreat.

Early Morning Meditations

As a sangha, we gather together daily for the sacred morning meditation sitting known as Amrit Vela—the hour of nectar, or Brahma Muhurat—the ambrosia hour just before dawn. In our At Home Retreat Guide, Shunyamurti speaks more in depth about Amrit Vela, to further help those who are not able to join via Zoom to create their own early morning meditation routine.

We are delighted to invite online participants to join the ashram community live via Zoom for our sacred pre-dawn meditation gatherings during the weekend. If Shunyamurti teaches during this time, we will upload the video to the retreat website immediately afterward.


Encounter Group via Zoom

Encounter Groups allow participants to come together as a community and discuss the impact of the teachings on their lives. Encounter Groups will be scheduled via Zoom, typically on the final day of the retreat, so participants can have the opportunity to share their retreat insights with other like-minded individuals online. These encounter groups are facilitated by senior members of the Sat Yoga Sangha.

Sample Daily Schedule

To take full advantage of this enriching and transformational program, we recommend you create a personalized daily schedule for the week.  We highly encourage this to include early morning meditation, live participation in satsangs, time for reflection, and light meals and some movement or exercise. A sample Sat Yoga retreat schedule is given here as a reference, but please feel free to tailor it to your own time zone and practice.

Upcoming Shunyamurti Retreats

In-person retreats with Shunyamurti are a rite of passage available to those who are partaking in the corresponding Shakti Saturation Month program. If you are interested in participating live for a 3-day or 5-day experience with Shunyamurti, please apply for one of our upcoming programs, or visit the online retreats page to join us virtually.

Upcoming Online

The Ultimate Victory of Love

November 15 – 17, 2024

The Ultimate Victory of Love

Online Weekend Intensive Guided by Shunyamurti
All’s Well that Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva

December 27, 2024 – January 2, 2025

All’s Well that Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva

7-Day Online Retreat Guided by Shunyamurti


Many thanks to the Ashram and Shunya for facilitating this retreat. It was a wonderful and magical experience with deep knowledge and wisdom to keep going on the hero’s path. Shunya’s way of teaching–as always–is so open and well built up with lots of history and humor. I love that! What I like the most is that it truly helps in the process of realization.

~Laurens, The Netherlands

I was able to identify and navigate the implications of certain spiritual experiences that I have had in the past. It was surprising, and utterly invaluable. There were moments of pure cognition. It was very helpful and I really enjoy seeing other spiritual communities working so beautifully together and committed to the upliftment and unfolding of human consciousness. Very grateful.

~Lisa, Australia/India

This retreat was amazing. At the end of the first satsang I thought, wow, that was a whole retreat right in the first session. And it was just the beginning. It just got better. So many great teachings, wonderful meditations, and I feel very loved and supported. I am listening to the recordings every day and absorbing more knowledge. It had a big impact on me: Bliss is our natural state regardless of the circumstances!

~Sharon, USA

Sample Schedule

Gain Freedom Now!

Overcome all obstacles and live in serenity and satisfaction

In these momentous gatherings, you will discover the Way of Mastery over your emotions, addictions, obsolete attachments, residues of traumas, and other causes of anguish or anxiety. Any patterns of self-sabotage will end and the final victory of Liberation will be within your grasp.

The ancient secrets of the sages are integrated with the insights of modern science, depth psychology, and an awesome grasp of human destiny—including the meaning of the cataclysmic current events that are rocking our world. Shunyamurti is preparing us to meet the challenges of the apocalyptic times ahead.

In each retreat, we will learn how to face death fearlessly, and how to live every day in a state of grace.

Contribution &/or Testimonials?

Sign up for Lifetime or Limited Access. Scholarship Opportunities are also available.

All the teachings and bonus materials will be available to access and review on our exclusive Retreat Portal for up to one week post-retreat with Limited Access, and as an Audio-Video package after the retreat ends with Lifetime Access. For those who would like to attend but are not able to pay in full, we also have scholarships available.



From $285 (3-Day) to $415 (5 and 7-Day)

From $195 (3-Day) to $295 (5 and 7-Day)

Nearly all of our past retreats are available as Audio-Video packages in The Dharma Bandara, Sat Yoga’s Online Store.

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By signing up to receive your free sample of Shunyamurti’s thrilling new book, Coming Full Circle: The Secret of the Singularity, you are also subscribing to our weekly newsletter, which will help keep you up to date with newly released content and our online and in-person offerings. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Sign up to Receive Your Free Sample

By signing up to receive your free sample of Shunyamurti’s thrilling new book, Coming Full Circle: The Secret of the Singularity, you are also subscribing to our weekly newsletter, which will help keep you up to date with newly released content and our online and in-person offerings. You may unsubscribe at any time.


One whose consciousness has merged with Brahman, the Absolute, and thus has been liberated from all desire, fear, attachment, and material frames of reference. Thus, a Brahmachari naturally lives a life of celibacy, simplicity, and inner solitude.


Meditative meetings in which the highest teachings are shared. Shunyamurti also offers guidance during questions and answers to resolve the most difficult and delicate matters of the heart.


Information, energy, or nonlinear change that occurs as the effect of events that take place in the future and alter the past, which is perceived in the present as non-ordinary phenomena, synchronicities, unpredictable emergent properties or other notable explicate arisings. The source of such forces may also lie beyond chronological time, in higher dimensions of the Real.

The process of non-process:

Since awakening is instantaneous, along with the recognition that one was never really in the dream, but enjoying the creation of the dream, it must be understood that making awakening into a process can only be part of the dream, and has nothing to do with Awakening itself.

The Real:

When we speak of the Real, unless otherwise qualified, we mean the Supreme Real. The Supreme Real does not appear. Appearance is not Real. All that appears is empty of true existence. There are no real things. All that is phenomenal is temporary, dependent, and reducible to a wave function of consciousness. The world does not exist independent of consciousness. There is no matter or material world. All is made of consciousness. Pure consciousness is Presence. It is no-thing, non-objective, not in space or time. All that appears in Presence, or to Presence, is an emanation of Presence, but is not different from That. This is one meaning of nonduality.

The Real is also a term used in Lacanian psychoanalysis. What Lacan means by the Real is that aspect of phenomenal appearance which is overwhelming, traumatic, or impossible. We would call that Real One. It is a relative Real, not Absolute. We add that there is a Real Two, which consists of divine love. Love is not an appearance, but it changes appearance, through recognition of its Source, into a divine manifestation, a projection of God’s sublimely beautiful Mind as infinite fractal holographic cosmos. Real Three is the unchanging Absolute, beyond all conception or image.

Dharma and dharma:

When we use the term Dharma (capitalized), we refer to our dedication to living in accord with the timeless principles of impeccable integrity that keep us in harmony with Nature and our Supernatural Source.

When we use the term without capitalization, we refer to our acceptance of the community’s processes, protocols, and chain of command with the “Haji! Spirit” of going the “extra mile” and working overtime when necessary to make the impossible inevitable, as our unconditional act of surrender to Love.