Sat Yoga Blog
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Short Cycle Monthly Report
~ May 2021 ~
By Hanuman | With more rain comes the challenges of humidity, molds, insects, and more. But for the Sat Yoga Prema-culture team, it is a bounty from which to learn.
A Labor Of Love – Short Cycle Monthly Report
By Hanuman | Another month, another bountiful harvest! Our Prema-culture team of resident and volunteer yogis are blessing every harvest with selfless...
Bountiful Harvests ~ Short Cycle Monthly Report
Here at the Ashram, we are working hard to be able to produce a nutritious and delicious variety of healthy harvests--all lovingly cultivated with the divine energy and care of…
The Goddess Bhavani
This is the artwork of one of our recent retreatants who was given the spiritual name Bhavani. She has made creative use of that signifier to develop her consciousness to…
Mandalic Art Inspired by Shunyamurti’s Teachings
Sat Yoga encourages the actualization of our creative intelligence through the making and sharing of art that reveals our trajectory of growth and Self-realization. Lorna, an online member and friend…
Two Shamans
By Radha Ma | 25 years ago I sat in a master’s level anthropology course at Columbia University while attending NYU. I was trying to find my way on a…
A Disarming Ode to Armadillos
By Marjiva Ma | First, the backstory: The sangha was recently reintroduced by Shunyamurti to the life-work of Aurobindo and that of his disciple Satprem. The following morning, I awoke…
From Seed to Harvest ~ The Entire Spectrum
By Hanuman | The greenhouse is a vibrant explosion of abundance—seed saving, seedling cultivation, bountiful harvests, which we love sharing with visitors and our ashram community.
Inspirations from the Retreat
By Marjiva Ma | Was this helpful, asked Shunyamurti at the end of the Sat-a-daynight Teaching. There were no words, yet then, to speak the knowledge that was being churned…
Ashram Greenhouse ~ April Updates ~ Seed Saving and Planting
By Hanuman | This month, we are blessed to report healthy harvests and some successful seed saving experiments!
We are working to ensure that our mission to disseminate Truth across the planet can continue, and that we will be able to stay connected to our global community.
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