Our Virtual Curriculum
Online Wisdom School
Your Portal to Liberation from the Matrix
A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Realization
Mind-Expanding Teachings, Personal Encounters, Comprehensive Courses, Explosive New Books, and an ongoing series of live Retreats to Accelerate Your Transformation!

The Sat Yoga Institute continues the highest tradition of wisdom schools that have been the core of human culture for as long as there have been historic records. But to be of service in this period of cultural dissolution and the violent rupture of normality, we have retooled our unique curriculum to enable you to keep a virtual lifeline to our inspiring programs wherever you are in our ever-expanding global sangha. We offer an abundance of nourishing online offerings at many different levels of intensity and depth.
Online Retreats
3-day Intensives and 5-day Retreats led by Shunyamurti
These game-changing events offer unique and vital opportunities to advance your understanding of reality at all levels, to become free of emotional wounds, and able to regain your original nature of cosmic consciousness.
During these amazing gatherings, our ashram team is here to help you cultivate the ambience of an ashram no matter where you are, to create your own spiritual refuge, to maintain one-pointed focus on the goal of Liberation.

Members Section
Sat Yoga is both a residential and online wisdom school. For those not able to live in the ashram, our online school—centered in the Members’ Section of this website—offers a direct path to liberation from all suffering, and conscious abidance in eternal bliss. By joining our esoteric wisdom school, one becomes transformed simply through the act of listening closely to the teachings given in our videos and essays, and by attending live the ever more profound transmissions of divine Truth in Satsangs, seminars, and retreats.
From those with doubts or just wanting to get your intellectual feet wet to those ready to dive to the depths of redemptive knowledge, read Shunyamurti’s guidance on what may draw you to each of the three levels.
Public Teachings
Archives of Archetypal Insight
Discover the wealth of wisdom in this portal to Sat Yoga’s life-transforming teachings! As part of our calling to disseminate real usable intelligence, we offer this collection of Shunyamurti’s public lectures, as well as an additional selection of guided meditations and essays not available elsewhere.
Online Courses

Sat Yoga: Principles & Practice ~
An Intensive 7-Session Online Course
This innovative sequence of illuminating presentations is masterfully woven together by Shunyamurti and eloquently delivered by Radha Ma.
Sat Yoga: Principles and Practice will de-mystify the stages of your own psycho-spiritual development and the human condition in general. It will enable you to sustain your serenity and poise in every situation. You will take a quantum leap into the ultimate mystery of nonduality.
The Dharma Bandhara
An Online Storehouse of Empowering Truth
The Sat Yoga Online Store is a treasure trove of life-altering knowledge, in the form of unrepeatable retreats, paradigm-shifting books, beautiful guided meditations, peerless wisdom teachings and clear answers to all questions, as well as the popular Reading the Sages audio collection.
Be in the know…
Stay updated on the latest Shunyamurti Retreats and Ashram Immersions
The Fundamentals of Meditation
Taught by Shunyamurti
Free Seven-Part Mini-Course
In the Art of Meditation
Enter your name and email address below to receive this transformative online course:
Your Registration includes a free subscription to our weekly newsletter. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared or sold.
Any issues or questions, please email us: [email protected]
The Fundamentals of Meditation
Taught by Shunyamurti

Free Seven-Part Mini-Course In the Art of Meditation
Enter your name and email address below to receive this transformative online course:
Your Registration includes a free subscription to our weekly newsletter. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared or sold.
Any issues or questions, please email us: [email protected]