The World Will Soon Die—But the Self is Deathless
Summary: Fewer can remain in denial with every day that passes, as time accelerates toward the Eschaton. All systems are breaking down. The entire suffering hell ream of the world will soon undergo euthanasia, and all will return to the Light of God. Let us voluntarily surrender our ego identity programs, so that we can be fully saturated by the blissful luminosity of the Supreme Self—and leave this video game victorious!
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So we’re meeting very close to the end of the cycle of time; and, as we approach the end, time accelerates. I’m sure all of you have noticed the number of events per day of extraordinary End Time significance, largely events of breakdown: social breakdown, breakdown of machines, infrastructure, social systems—breakdown of order of every kind. The breakdown and the crack-up are correlative because those who cannot tolerate the breakdowns that are happening at every fractal level tend to begin to lose their own internal psychological balance, especially if they don’t have an accurate context for understanding the logic of events and the benign destiny of all that is unfolding.
For those who are aware and attuned to the vibrational frequency of what is emerging and blossoming (as well as what is breaking down), it’s only the unreal, the technological, and the egocentric that breaks down. That which is based in the Real is organic, eternal, and invulnerable to the vicissitudes of time and space—able to endure without being touched by those events because they are recognized as a dream field. The awakened dreamer is able to sail through the, let’s say, the whitewater of Chronos time as it approaches its final fate of emptying out into the ocean of consciousness that is no longer within the phenomenal plane or the spacetime continuum, but returns to its original unmanifest nature as pure light, from which all of the collapsed quantum and qualium wave functions have de-collapsed. The light now returns to its formless essence.
In that transformation of energies from manifest to unmanifest, the permutations of every possibility must unfold and emerge, and also complete their karmic trajectory before the end of time. Thus, they must emerge in very surprising and extreme forms. So we have seen in recent days the rather blatant breakdown in the US of the injustice system—or at least the justice system became an injustice system in the Trump trial. That has created an incredible increase of tension within that social order that is breaking down as the result of the lack of trust in and legitimacy of the governmental authorities. And as the legitimacy disappears for more and more beings, then the system itself loses the necessary backing to be able to continue to function at any of its levels, not just simply within one department but within all of the manifestations of that no-longer-trusted authority.
So we are seeing a breakdown of social order and heightened civil unrest at the same time that we’re also witnessing the very blatant onset of further plans of those who are, let’s say, middle-management of the depopulation program and its next phase of unfoldment. So we’re seeing the beginnings of manifest food shortages and manifest breakdown of the order of life as was expected. For example, in Europe, they are announcing mandatory conscription now of young adults into the army—men and women—and preparing for a war with Russia. Of course, this is not what the social contract had offered previously. So this is also creating shockwaves, resistances, and great anxiety as the world approaches the precipice of a final war that is no longer being hidden, but is being openly spoken about as the goal of the policy that is motivating all of the activities of the various Western governments, for sure. In that, the excuses that people made of stupidity or unawareness of what these escalatory actions would lead to are no longer able to be upheld, and the very deliberate intention behind all of this is becoming manifest.
And because it’s moving so rapidly, it’s extremely important that our own processes of conscious realization of the ultimate presence of the Intelligence that underlies and is actually moving all of the pieces on the chessboard. It’s not the pieces that move themselves; they are moved by a power that transcends the activities. Whether they are considered by any of the characters in the play as good or evil, and whether it’s East or West or one power block or another, all of it is moving toward a particular ultimate, climactic confrontation and explosion.
So it is of essential importance that Sat Yogis be in that state of consciousness that is already and always transcendent of the drama by realizing you are formless, luminous intelligence and you have the creative capacity to perceive the beauty within the horror of the collapse and destruction. It’s important that you perceive the will of God moving through these various mid-level conspiratorial activities that are themselves unaware of their own roots within a deeper consciousness than they are aware of—a consciousness that is moving them beyond the illusion of their free will as alleged masters of the situation who are actually, literally, to be the fall guys of the plot and to be instruments of that power that transcends the intentions of the actors.
We are in that phase in which many people are awakening out of the denial that they had been in before in terms of seeing the precipice that is being approached in the world. But they do not see the larger context of return to the Light—of the revelation of the presence of God and the redemption that is inherent in this movement from incarnation to the excarnated state of the reunion with the single whole Intelligence that has always been the absolute core of every being. Because of their misidentification with the mental operating system of the body, those people are not aware of, attuned to, or liberated from the growing anxiety of the internal narrative of the chattering mind. Without the power to silence that mind and receive inspirations and downloads from the mind of God directly, they cannot become instruments of the transmission of wisdom, light, joy, love, peace, or serenity as the world approaches this final period; nor can they enter a state in which there is no internal disturbance…