The Yoga of Total Escalation Dominance
The world is now in a period of extreme escalation—I’d even say total escalation. Escalation of what? Of the process of the decomposition of the world. In other words, at every level, everything is falling apart. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, starting with our website and including many other aspects of our lives—on a personal level (as we know), on a biological family level, on a level where we observe what’s happening in religions and other organizations, on a level where nations are falling apart, and on a level where the international situation is falling apart into total conflict and destruction.
So we see that, if that total escalation is happening, as it occurs it’s going to become more and more of an interruption of your conscious serenity if you have not already attained liberation from the illusion of the world. You all agree with that, right? So I would say that we’re probably in the time of the last margin. Especially, I think, we’re very lucky to be here at this ashram; but, wherever one happens to be, I think this is the moment. If God-realization has not yet been established as your constant state, then as the illusory time moves closer to the Omega Point, it will become more and more difficult to feel the luxury of being able to detach from those events—both external and, of course, internal. The self-attacking elements of the ego consciousness will irrupt with ever greater venom, let’s say, and fissional tendencies, schismatic tendencies, incoherent tendencies, internal deadlocks and external deadlocks of conflict and of il n’y a pas de rapport with the other—even internally being out of sync with what one knows one would like to accomplish as the completion of one’s life’s journey to the summit of the mountain of God, if one is on that pilgrimage of realization.
Thus, it is important, I think, to continue to have reminders of the urgency (and determination, if there is still a sense of a separate ego) of letting all of its baggage drop away and surrendering mind, heart, and will to the supreme intelligence, the supreme Lord, the supreme power of deliverance.
One way to define Sat Yoga is total escalation dominance. It’s a term they use in warfare, I think. What does that mean? As events like the downpour of all of the external noise and distractions and glitches occur, we have to be able to dominate them and not feel victimized by them—not be captured, enmeshed, and caught up with all of those things that are apparently going wrong—recognize them as blessings. So it’s a domination of our own conscious tendencies to get lost in projections and externalizations, but also in narratives of upsetness.
And in order to accomplish that, we have to be in a state of tapas, right? What is tapas? Who has a definition of tapas? Anyone know it? It’s a yogic term; someone must know it. Yes, Karuna knows it.
Student:The fire of sadhana?
OK, yes. If you are in a state of very intense meditation, it will feel like you are literally sitting in the sacrificial fire and your sanskaras are burning away. The fuel of the fire of meditation is the remaining sanskaras—the fixated, collapsed qualium-wave functions that make up the ego complex and the tendencies of how thought expresses itself in terms of action and reaction. So if you’re in that fire—which is a fire of love as well as a fire of release of all concerns to God—that fire will light up the third eye; it will create a sense (literally) of a luminous and fiery presence in chakra seven; and it will produce an energy of pranic intensity throughout the body that releases any contractions that are present in the muscles or the organs of the body.
So the tapas is essential to be in as constantly as possible. The tapas will lead to ecstasy when all the tendencies to think have been burned away, and then you will reach the state of deliverance. (We have “TED” twice here. This isn’t TED talks or anything, but somehow this is our acronym for the night for some reason). But the ecstasy is the state of samadhi, and the samadhi has to lead to sahaja samadhi. Sahaja means “constant”, or we could say “ceaseless cessation”. Cessation being Nirodha, right? The Chitta Vritti Nirodha is the first teaching of the Yoga Sutras, but every spiritual path teaches that phase one is the stillness, the cessation of thoughts.
But then that cessation must be ceaseless; there can’t be a fallback into mental chatter. Once that is achieved, the state of ecstasy—the state of being filled with God’s love and the bliss of that love—will also be ceaseless. And then one will perceive the perfection of everything and realize that nothing is going wrong. Everything is happening exactly as it should, including what appear to be the setbacks and the glitches and the difficulties and the pressures. All of those are just forms of getting your attention in order to motivate you to realize the urgency of deliverance from clinging to the belief that the world is real and recognize that only God is Real. The world is simply a manifestation of the intelligence of God that is now in the phase of dissolving this world full of glitches and sufferings and ignorance and conflict back into the unified light of the Absolute Self.
We are here for only one reason within this Theodrama. Once you have become a yogi and have realized that your goal is to disidentify from the character you’ve been playing, then the ego complex that was the result of the desires and demands of the Other (the family system in childhood and the social system) is burned away completely. That’s the first ego death. But then that emptiness in which the infantile ego is dissolved is filled with a new ego—an avataric ego, an ego that is simply the manifestation of God’s sense of I am-ness—no longer the ego of a human being striving to achieve something. And then the only reason remaining to be in the world is to give love—unconditional love—and wisdom and blessings to those souls who are seeking the truth and the light and the peace and the deliverance of their own soul from suffering…
Audio File The Yoga of Total Escalation Dominance.mp3