How Do I Fully Accept Myself? Q&A with Shunyamurti
Taken from Members Section Livestream Satsang, Shunyamurti gives an empowering and inspiring answer to this universal question.
Taken from Members Section Livestream Satsang, Shunyamurti gives an empowering and inspiring answer to this universal question.
In this teaching, Shunyamurti guides us through the catastrophe of the ego, to overcome the feelings of despair and fear, to reach our heights of creative imagination to design a better world.
In this guided meditation, Shunyamurti invites us to relax the bodily vehicle and feel free to enjoy the flow of its life energy. Notice the pure awareness that emerges between thoughts; melt into timeless, loveful Presence; enjoy the feeling of resonance with the source of your being. This guided meditation was recorded during our Members Section Livestream Satsang, with live music by Hanuman.
A student recently asked Shunyamurti, “How does a silent retreat help?” In response, he wrote this inspirational essay on “The Power of a Silent Retreat.”
An inspiring message from Shunyamurti in celebration of International Women’s Day 2019
In this video teaching, Shunyamurti explains that Maha Shiva Ratri is a portal to activate our supreme potential.
“The substance of the universe itself is love. We are made of love. Our very essence is love. And yet we have become afraid of love. Because we have been hurt by what we took for love, that wasn’t love.”
A very special, heartwarming teaching from Shunyamurti. In joy! Sri Ramana Maharshi, towards the end of his life, was asked, in a very formal way, "to what do you owe…
By Purusha | We screened this cult classic in our weekly movie night at the Ashram recently, which shows you how loose we are about rigid rules of watching only…
In this video teaching, Shunyamurti explains that in order to get out of the illusion, we must first realize that it is an illusion.