The Night Before the Final Christmas
Summary: The true story of the last Christmas is foretold, and the final flight of Saint Nick is recalled by those who have received the greatest gift of grace. Santa’s parting blessing still echoes in the hearts of all.
‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the ‘shram
No Maya was stirring, no egos flim-flam.
All seva was done, Ruchira prepared,
And the bliss of the Self was already shared.
The yogis were sitting with ego minds dead
While Shakti and Shiva danced in each head.
Sahaja Samadhi was everyone’s state.
All had traversed the great Gateless Gate.
Then on Lower Death Drive, a car could be heard
And someone was shouting an encouraging word.
Past Shanti Nilaya, then Swarupa Lane.
The uncanny voice could be heard once again.
“I’ve seen them! They’re coming. Get ready, and quick!
Go run to the windows. It’s real, not some trick!”
The car screeched, the door slammed then boots on the ground,
A man in red entered, absurd as it sounds.
We all recognized him, Saint Nick to be sure.
But what sort of mission had brought him to our door?
He didn’t look well, but nervous and shocked,
We offered him chai while he talked.
“My sleigh was in flight when a spaceship came near
And the sudden encounter scared the reindeer!
We crashed near your ashram, and I hitched a ride,
Since I knew they would land here and soon be inside.”
Either he was psychotic or this is a dream,
But the next thing we heard was a terrible scream!
Retreatants were pointing up in the sky
Where a vimana hovered and not very high.
On the lawn there were reindeer nibbling grass,
Seeming indifferent to what had just passed.
The spaceship was beaming a pillar of light
Into the garden that lit up the night.
And out of the bright beam came figures so odd,
Like archetypes straight from the vast Mind of God!
They were royal and joyous and seemed made of light,
Translucent, crystalline! What a glorious sight!
They didn’t touch ground but floated around
As if they were weightless and made not a sound.
We recognized goddesses from ancient lore
And gods with bright auras then came to the fore.
One sang out, “Look, Krishna: this was our home!
Before Jivan Mukti, here we chanted that Om.
What a hard life of yogis we had to endure
Until our sanskaras were transformed and pure.”
They recognized us as their former selves
And we suddenly grokked where our future dwells.
Our Sat Yuga forms had come from beyond
To meet us and form an unbreakable bond.
We wanted to hug them, but they said, “Stay away!
Our antimatter’s deadly to you off this day!
Annihilation would happen before we could speak
And reveal to you all of the knowledge you seek.”
They each found their past incarnations and stood
Giving drishti and shakti so blissful and good,
Our consciousness open to the infinite Real
We felt our souls had received the Great Seal.
With joy they levitated back to the lawn
Into the light pillar, and then they were gone.
With our crown chakras blazing we started to sway,
And that led to whirling in a dervish-like way.
Then magically, angels and fairies appeared
And the world came alive with wild and weird
Elementals and spirits and underworld wraiths
And magi from every tradition and race.
But the climactic moment occurred in a trice
From the clouds there emerged the vision of Christ
And the thunderous voice of Allah was heard.
In a rapture of grace we took in his word.
“This is the last Christmas we’ll celebrate here.
The hologram’s ending but we have no fear,
For this was the deus ex machina scene
That justifies all of the horror that’s been.
Soon the two universes will wholly collide.
All space will just vanish, so enjoy the ride.
You’ll abide in the Godhead, the ultimate throne
And time will restart the same instant it’s done.”
But just as we thought that the party had finished,
Santa cried out that he felt so diminished,
For he was typecast as a Kali Yuga idol
Whose time was now past, and he felt suicidal.
We soon cheered him up with a symbolic gift
Of knowledge that could not help but uplift.
That God is us should be contemplated,
For this is why we’ve been self-created.
The reindeer had hauled up old Santa’s crashed sleigh,
He jumped in, then called out, “We must away!”
And we heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight:
“Happy new Kalpa to all and to all divine Light!”
Audio File The Night Before the Final Christmas.mp3
This Post Has One Comment
Bhavani and Bruce
25 Dec 2024So joyful and true.. love Shunyas mirthful performance, it brings giggles and gulps and then just peace..