Prepare for the Shocking Climax of History!
At the moment when most people have become cynical and hopeless, and world destruction looms, the power of God will dramatically return with lightning strikes that blast our minds to infinity! Prepare to be struck by a divine thunderbolt! A radical paradigm shift in consciousness is required for our hearts to withstand the intensity of energy that will descend into our bodies. We would be wise to open our hearts and minds now to receive the supreme power of the transcendent Real that will grace us with transmutation. We must be inwardly attuned to the vibrational frequency of the Buddha Nature and have purified our souls to be morphed into avatars of the ancient future gods and goddesses. But we must be willing to surrender to the glory of the majestic intelligence, luminosity and love that constitute our forgotten spiritual Essence. We must become the Supernal Fire to endure the thermonuclear firestorms that will accompany the resurrection of our original Edenic realm. Wisdom, faith, and courage are necessary. Please join us for this extraordinary retreat if you wish to be ready to manifest the Flame of Eternal Life!